Monday, March 7, 2011

Superhero's have Mommy's too!!!

Today was a looooooonnnnngggg day. I didn't sleep well, Donte didn't want to get up for school, Amon woke up whining, I was tired all day, Judah was sort of fussy, the big boys didn't want to listen at all this evening, and I'm exhausted!

On days like today it helps me to remember what I'm really doing here. I'm mothering three amazing little boys. They aren't just any little boys, they are little boys called by God to do amazing things for his kingdom. They are little superhero's. I know that God has a divine call and plan on their lives. Donte already has such a strong heart and hunger for understanding God and his word. Amon even with his little mood swinging self can have the sweetest heart and touch in the world when he wants to, and Judah, his name fits him well, he is my little praiser always smiling and laughing.

I'm still in awe that God has trusted me with raising these boys into the men He intends for them to be. Sometimes I feel like I'm in way over my head, then I realize on my own, I would have long ago drowned. BUT I have someone there holding me up not allowing me to fall, no matter how weary I get, making my feet like hinds' feet so that I can climb this mountain, JESUS.

I know that I could never do this on my own. But God is on my side and as he teaches me to trust and love him, he's showing me how to teach my children the same.

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15

Lord continue to strengthen me through you. Help me to remember that I can't do it out of my own strength, that I need to rely on You. Help me to set a Godly example for my children. Guide my steps and show me how raise them into the little superhero's that You've created them to be. In Jesus name, Amen.

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