Sunday, July 7, 2013

My Daddy's Bigger!

When I was a little girl I remember "arguing" with other children, that my daddy was bigger or stronger, or could do this or that. It was a competition to see who had the best,strongest, awesomest dad. I now have heard my own children do the same. It's cute. And while I have a great earthly dad, as do my children, I have begun to realize I have the coolest Father ever! My Daddy God is the best Dad anyone could ever have! He holds the worlds in His hand, He numbers the stars, He is the creator of all! He loves me more deeply and passionately than anyone on earth ever could! He know's how many hairs I have on my head, and He cares enough about me to know me that deeply. He see's the very depths of my heart.

There is a song I've been listening to tonight. It goes "our God is fighting for us always, we are not alone!" How awesome is that. My God(Dad) will go to bat for me any time, any place, all I have to do is call on him!He loves me!

If we can depend on an earthly father to protect and care for us, how much more can we depend on our heavenly Father to go above and beyond that?

To those of you who never had an earthly father, I'm sorry. I pray that God will give you an extra revelation of his love here on earth, so that you might know a perfect Father's love.

Remember: Your God is fighting for you always! You are not alone!

He will never leave us nor forsake us.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Very Good Analogy!There is nothing like coming into the realization of God's unconditional love!
