The story of Jesus walking on water is known to many and many know how Peter asked him, "If it is you Lord, let me come to you". Peter went to him and many will remember how Peter lost sight of the Lord and began to sink in the water. To many this can be a story that portrays lack of faith, but to me it is so much more than that it is a story of love, trust, faith, understanding and heroics.
When Peter saw that it was his beloved Lord he was so excited that he was willing to try and join him in WALKING ON WATER! How many of us would do that now? He loved him so much that he jumped out of the boat and went after his Jesus. Can you even imagine how much trust that had to take on Peters part, the story tells of the waves that were on the sea that day it would have been much easier to stay in the boat and watch the history be made. But Peter stepped out on a rocky sea by himself with no life jacket, to WALK, not even swim, but WALK.
Many think that because he falls, he lacks faith, that is not true at all, those who remained in the boat lacked faith. Peter stepped out. But because he was human, he did as all of us do at times, he took his eyes off of Jesus and began to focus on what was going on around him in the world. He saw the waves and saw that he was walking on water! I'd freak out too! So he fell.
This is just were the story gets good. He didn't drown, he didn't swim back to the boat, he didn't even flail around, because what did Jesus do??? He reached out and caught him. He saved him again. He understood that Peter was human and would need help, He knew.
" Oh you of little faith, Why did you doubt?" Jesus.
He wasn't saying that Peter lacked any faith. While Peter had great faith to even step out of the boat, he lost site of what was really important and of where his hope should lie. It's in Christ, not the storm around us, not in those back in the boat enjoying the show. If he only would've kept his eye's on Christ. Now while he could have had something so extraordinary in walking on water, he had something better in realizing that Christ is there even when we fall, I bet if he'd had the opportunity again to walk on water with Jesus, he would have ran without fail to him, because he had seen Christ's faithfulness.
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