I LOVE music! If there is one sense I wouldn't want to lose it would be hearing. Music can set a mood, change a mood, enhance a mood.
I don't know about you but there are definitely songs that I would consider the soundtrack to my life. The one I can't stop listening to today, perfectly describes the last 28 years(tomorrow I'll be 28!).
The song is called Brokenness aside by All Sons and Daughters. Listen to it! You'll be glad you did. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXqvJb_IGak
God has taken all my brokenness and either has or is turning it into something beautiful. My heart was broken many times by many men in my life. I thought that I loved some of them, and they broke my heart, I wasn't good enough for them to love. One of these men may have loved me as best he could, but when I became pregnant he left me all alone and even lied about me and the baby saying it wasn't his, when he knew it was. It took me a long time to forgive this man, some days I still have to ask God to help me with it. But God blessed me a few years later with a wonderful amazing husband who is a great father to my son. I couldn't have asked for a better blessing.
I have went through many other hurts in my life, and God has always, always been faithful to bring beauty out of my own mistakes, or things done to me, or just out of the circumstances or dissapointments of living in a fallen world.
I know he will always make it beautiful, he takes the chaos in our lives and turns it into divine beauty.
Thank you God for putting my Brokenness Aside.